Meet Judy, a 10-month-old, 40lb Poodle mix with a calm and gentle spirit. Judy may be a little timid when you first meet her, but with love and patience, she’ll warm up and show you her sweet personality. This laidback girl is a big fan of her crate—it’s her safe space where she feels most comfortable. Judy sleeps peacefully through the night in her crate without making a sound and often chooses to spend a good portion of her day there as well. She’s also potty trained and has been a lovely houseguest in her foster home. Judy gets along wonderfully with other dogs and enjoys their company. Having a canine companion helps build her confidence and allows her to feel more secure as she continues to adjust to the world. While she’s a mellow pup, Judy loves gentle pets and the quiet comfort of being near her people. She’s a easygoing girl who will do well in a variety of homes, especially ones that can offer her the love and patience she needs to thrive. If you’re looking for a sweet, well-mannered companion, Judy might just be the perfect match!
Meet Judy, a 10-month-old, 40lb Poodle mix with a calm and gentle spirit. Judy may be a little timid when you first meet her, but with love and patience, she’ll warm up and show you her sweet personality. This laidback girl is a big fan of her crate—it’s her safe space where she feels most comfortable. Judy sleeps peacefully through the night in her crate without making a sound and often chooses to spend a good portion of her day there as well. She’s also potty trained and has been a lovely houseguest in her foster home. Judy gets along wonderfully with other dogs and enjoys their company. Having a canine companion helps build her confidence and allows her to feel more secure as she continues to adjust to the world. While she’s a mellow pup, Judy loves gentle pets and the quiet comfort of being near her people. She’s a easygoing girl who will do well in a variety of homes, especially ones that can offer her the love and patience she needs to thrive. If you’re looking for a sweet, well-mannered companion, Judy might just be the perfect match!
Meet Judy, a 10-month-old, 40lb Poodle mix with a calm and gentle spirit. Judy may be a little timid when you first meet her, but with love and patience, she’ll warm up and show you her sweet personality. This laidback girl is a big fan of her crate—it’s her safe space where she feels most comfortable. Judy sleeps peacefully through the night in her crate without making a sound and often chooses to spend a good portion of her day there as well. She’s also potty trained and has been a lovely houseguest in her foster home. Judy gets along wonderfully with other dogs and enjoys their company. Having a canine companion helps build her confidence and allows her to feel more secure as she continues to adjust to the world. While she’s a mellow pup, Judy loves gentle pets and the quiet comfort of being near her people. She’s a easygoing girl who will do well in a variety of homes, especially ones that can offer her the love and patience she needs to thrive. If you’re looking for a sweet, well-mannered companion, Judy might just be the perfect match!