Meet Betty, a 10-month-old, 43lb Poodle mix with a heart as soft as her curls. Betty is a shy girl when meeting new people, but with love and patience, her sweet personality opens up. Once she feels safe, she’ll happily enjoy gentle pets and snuggles with her trusted humans. Betty absolutely loves the company of other dogs, and they play a big role in boosting her confidence. In her foster home, she’s blossomed with the help of her canine foster sibling, following him around and learning the ropes. Having another dog in the home will likely help Betty continue to grow and thrive in her new environment. This smart and gentle pup is almost fully potty trained, settles easily in her crate, and does wonderfully on the leash—a great foundation for her forever home. She’s a gentle, loving pup who will do well in a variety of homes but may truly shine in one with a furry companion to help her continue building confidence. If you’re ready to offer this sweet, shy girl the patience, love, and companionship she needs, Betty would love to meet you!
Meet Betty, a 10-month-old, 43lb Poodle mix with a heart as soft as her curls. Betty is a shy girl when meeting new people, but with love and patience, her sweet personality opens up. Once she feels safe, she’ll happily enjoy gentle pets and snuggles with her trusted humans. Betty absolutely loves the company of other dogs, and they play a big role in boosting her confidence. In her foster home, she’s blossomed with the help of her canine foster sibling, following him around and learning the ropes. Having another dog in the home will likely help Betty continue to grow and thrive in her new environment. This smart and gentle pup is almost fully potty trained, settles easily in her crate, and does wonderfully on the leash—a great foundation for her forever home. She’s a gentle, loving pup who will do well in a variety of homes but may truly shine in one with a furry companion to help her continue building confidence. If you’re ready to offer this sweet, shy girl the patience, love, and companionship she needs, Betty would love to meet you!
Meet Betty, a 10-month-old, 43lb Poodle mix with a heart as soft as her curls. Betty is a shy girl when meeting new people, but with love and patience, her sweet personality opens up. Once she feels safe, she’ll happily enjoy gentle pets and snuggles with her trusted humans. Betty absolutely loves the company of other dogs, and they play a big role in boosting her confidence. In her foster home, she’s blossomed with the help of her canine foster sibling, following him around and learning the ropes. Having another dog in the home will likely help Betty continue to grow and thrive in her new environment. This smart and gentle pup is almost fully potty trained, settles easily in her crate, and does wonderfully on the leash—a great foundation for her forever home. She’s a gentle, loving pup who will do well in a variety of homes but may truly shine in one with a furry companion to help her continue building confidence. If you’re ready to offer this sweet, shy girl the patience, love, and companionship she needs, Betty would love to meet you!