Meet Dozer! This big good boy is a 6-year-old Bully mix weighing 83 lbs. Dozer is a friendly and affectionate boy who loves everyone he meets, both people and pups. He will greet you with endless kisses and is certain to leave you smiling. Dozer loves nothing more than relaxing on the couch with his people and soaking up as many belly rubs as he can get. As much as he loves his walks, he equally loves snoozing the day away if you let him. He walks well on leash and is working on basics with the help of his loving foster. This laid-back boy will do well in a variety of homes and make the best addition. If you're looking for a gentle giant with so much love to give, consider Dozer!
Meet Dozer! This big good boy is a 6-year-old Bully mix weighing 83 lbs. Dozer is a friendly and affectionate boy who loves everyone he meets, both people and pups. He will greet you with endless kisses and is certain to leave you smiling. Dozer loves nothing more than relaxing on the couch with his people and soaking up as many belly rubs as he can get. As much as he loves his walks, he equally loves snoozing the day away if you let him. He walks well on leash and is working on basics with the help of his loving foster. This laid-back boy will do well in a variety of homes and make the best addition. If you're looking for a gentle giant with so much love to give, consider Dozer!
Meet Dozer! This big good boy is a 6-year-old Bully mix weighing 83 lbs. Dozer is a friendly and affectionate boy who loves everyone he meets, both people and pups. He will greet you with endless kisses and is certain to leave you smiling. Dozer loves nothing more than relaxing on the couch with his people and soaking up as many belly rubs as he can get. As much as he loves his walks, he equally loves snoozing the day away if you let him. He walks well on leash and is working on basics with the help of his loving foster. This laid-back boy will do well in a variety of homes and make the best addition. If you're looking for a gentle giant with so much love to give, consider Dozer!