Norma Jean
Meet Norma Jean, a 2-year-old, 36lb, bully mix with the biggest heart! This sweet girl may have had a rough start in life, but she’s ready to find a forever home where she can get the love she's always deserved. Norma Jean is the ultimate couch potato and would happily spend her days lounging by your side, leaning in for pets and soaking up all the love you’re willing to give. Though she’s a bit timid and shy at first, Norma Jean has a gentle way of stealing your heart with her quiet charm. She’s currently thriving in a foster home with several dogs and cats, proving she’s friendly and adaptable. She also does well with kids, though she’s a bit on the reserved side and appreciates a calm and patient approach. While the leash still makes her a little nervous, Norma Jean is making progress with a harness and will need adopters who can help continue building her confidence on walks. She’s fully potty-trained and does well in her crate, making her a low-maintenance companion for the right family. If you’re looking for a sweet, loving, and gentle soul to complete your home, Norma Jean might just be your perfect match!
Meet Norma Jean, a 2-year-old, 36lb, bully mix with the biggest heart! This sweet girl may have had a rough start in life, but she’s ready to find a forever home where she can get the love she's always deserved. Norma Jean is the ultimate couch potato and would happily spend her days lounging by your side, leaning in for pets and soaking up all the love you’re willing to give. Though she’s a bit timid and shy at first, Norma Jean has a gentle way of stealing your heart with her quiet charm. She’s currently thriving in a foster home with several dogs and cats, proving she’s friendly and adaptable. She also does well with kids, though she’s a bit on the reserved side and appreciates a calm and patient approach. While the leash still makes her a little nervous, Norma Jean is making progress with a harness and will need adopters who can help continue building her confidence on walks. She’s fully potty-trained and does well in her crate, making her a low-maintenance companion for the right family. If you’re looking for a sweet, loving, and gentle soul to complete your home, Norma Jean might just be your perfect match!
Meet Norma Jean, a 2-year-old, 36lb, bully mix with the biggest heart! This sweet girl may have had a rough start in life, but she’s ready to find a forever home where she can get the love she's always deserved. Norma Jean is the ultimate couch potato and would happily spend her days lounging by your side, leaning in for pets and soaking up all the love you’re willing to give. Though she’s a bit timid and shy at first, Norma Jean has a gentle way of stealing your heart with her quiet charm. She’s currently thriving in a foster home with several dogs and cats, proving she’s friendly and adaptable. She also does well with kids, though she’s a bit on the reserved side and appreciates a calm and patient approach. While the leash still makes her a little nervous, Norma Jean is making progress with a harness and will need adopters who can help continue building her confidence on walks. She’s fully potty-trained and does well in her crate, making her a low-maintenance companion for the right family. If you’re looking for a sweet, loving, and gentle soul to complete your home, Norma Jean might just be your perfect match!