Meet Mila! This beauty is a 3-year-old, 55 lb mixed breed pup with a heart as big as her playful spirit. She’s a sweet and social girl that has quickly become friends with every person and pup that she’s crossed paths with. If possible, we think she would love another dog in her forever home to play and explore with. Mila loves being outside to play in the back yard or go on walks. She has great leash manners! She’ll also happily join you for a car ride, especially if the window can be rolled down. Mila’s foster has been helping her with her training. She’s potty trained and has been making great progress with settling in her crate. Mila is a smart girl so she’s been quick to learn new things such as the “sit”, “place”, and “stay” commands. This girl is as sweet as they come and will bring so much love and laughter to her family’s life. If you’re looking to add an affectionate, curious, and happy pup to your life, consider Mila!
Meet Mila! This beauty is a 3-year-old, 55 lb mixed breed pup with a heart as big as her playful spirit. She’s a sweet and social girl that has quickly become friends with every person and pup that she’s crossed paths with. If possible, we think she would love another dog in her forever home to play and explore with. Mila loves being outside to play in the back yard or go on walks. She has great leash manners! She’ll also happily join you for a car ride, especially if the window can be rolled down. Mila’s foster has been helping her with her training. She’s potty trained and has been making great progress with settling in her crate. Mila is a smart girl so she’s been quick to learn new things such as the “sit”, “place”, and “stay” commands. This girl is as sweet as they come and will bring so much love and laughter to her family’s life. If you’re looking to add an affectionate, curious, and happy pup to your life, consider Mila!
Meet Mila! This beauty is a 3-year-old, 55 lb mixed breed pup with a heart as big as her playful spirit. She’s a sweet and social girl that has quickly become friends with every person and pup that she’s crossed paths with. If possible, we think she would love another dog in her forever home to play and explore with. Mila loves being outside to play in the back yard or go on walks. She has great leash manners! She’ll also happily join you for a car ride, especially if the window can be rolled down. Mila’s foster has been helping her with her training. She’s potty trained and has been making great progress with settling in her crate. Mila is a smart girl so she’s been quick to learn new things such as the “sit”, “place”, and “stay” commands. This girl is as sweet as they come and will bring so much love and laughter to her family’s life. If you’re looking to add an affectionate, curious, and happy pup to your life, consider Mila!