DATE: Sunday evenings (March 9th, 16th, 23rd, & 30th)
TIME: 5:45-7:00pm PST
COST: $250 (includes 4 classes)
Set your dog (6 months & older) up for success and create a stronger relationship through group training in a structured environment. A few things of the things you & your dog will learn are:
How to Communicate with & Advocate for your Dog
Fundamentals such as Place & Thresholds
Confidence Building Exercises
Foundational Skills for Addressing Reactivity or Over-excitement
Beginnings of a Solid Recall
Loose-Leash Walking
An Understanding of Dog Body Language & Social Etiquette
How to Successfully Socialize your Dog
Amanda Sauler is a certified dog trainer & rescue advocate! She became involved in animal advocacy at the age of 11, volunteering and working beside many amazing trainers, learning about different approaches and theories. Working with them and on her own, she has developed a methodology that centers on canine and human psychology. As a dog trainer, her work does not end with the dog, it includes the whole family. Amanda says she will never tell a client what their dog “should” do. If your dog is allowed on the couch, but your neighbor's dog isn’t - that’s great! She wants to work together to create an environment that works for your family and keeps everyone happy and healthy! She knows our relationships with our dogs are incredibly special; and that relationship will always be at the heart of her work. She serves as the Head Trainer of Golightly Training & training partner for Wags & Walks. Amanda continues to hone her training and rehabilitation skill-set and utilizes relationship based practices to create deeper, cooperative connections between handler and dog.