Foster Friday: Dusty & Cecily Breeding

Welcome to our latest edition of Foster Friday! This week we are introducing our newest babies and their amazing fosters! Quarantine may have stopped life as we know it for a while but that doesn’t mean things don’t go on! This story proves just that. Read on to hear Dusty and Cecily’s story!


What got you started fostering for Wags & Walks?

Our time in quarantine has been extra special with the addition of 8 newborn puppies and their mother Aurora. We started fostering with @wagsandwalks because we set a goal to get more animal time in our lives, but with our lifestyle and travel schedule it’s daunting to commit to ownership. Fostering gives us the opportunity to shower a dog (or dogs!) with love for a season, knowing they are destined for a forever home.

How has fostering affected you?

Our favorite thing about having a litter of pups is watching the little milestones. They’ve gained so much weight in their first week and we are anxiously awaiting the day their eyes open. Right now while they’re blind, the cutest thing is when one of them gets “lost” 12 inches from mama and just sits there and cries until she (or we) nudge it back into the puppy pile.


Do you have any advice for someone who is interested in becoming a foster?

Advice for future fosters? Don’t be scared, just do it. But also go slow in the beginning. Remember these dogs have been through a lot and it will take them a few days for their personalities to emerge and begin to trust you.

Thank you so much for introducing us to Aurora and her babies and these BEAUTIFUL photos. We can’t wait to hear how these babies grow!

If you’re interested in fostering for Wags & Walks, you can learn more here. Please follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our e-mail newsletter, and check our website for available dogs. Who doesn’t love cute animal pupdates?


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